
Extremely Trustworthy Doctor of the Year Award

Pronouns: she/her

A very trustworthy doctor working aboard the Starship Legitimacy. She's some sort of insectoid alien, with a humanoid "assistant" who generally speaks and acts for her. Being a fairly powerful telepath, she tends to work as the crew's interrogator as well.

Sweet and kind to her patients or any time it benefits her. Outside of those situations, she's more willing to be mean and show or say what she really thinks. Cannot keep herself out of the uncanny valley for any serious length of time. She smiles too much and doesn't fully understand (or care about) people's emotions a lot of the time. Not generally one for genuine emotional connection.

Very much not a physical fighter, but if she has to she can sort of use medical equipment as weaponry. Prefers to stick to psychic attacks or letting literally anyone else in the crew do the fighting, though. Doc herself is about as physically weak and fragile as she looks and her "assistant" is above average in strength but hardly invincible. Can handle a gun without hurting herself but her aim isn't great past a couple meters so she may have a hard time hurting someone else with one too.

Has a decent poker face with regards to anyone she's controlling (somewhat dependent on the circumstances) but her actual body often ends up expressing things she wants to hide, up to and including screaming and swearing at a volume that's rather impressive for her size.

Prior to working aboard the Legitimacy, Doc continuously kept up the charade that the humanoid body was her real self for a long time. The crew managed to figure her out, but she still prefers to keep up this act for a long time. She slips into the persona of the eccentric weirdo obsessed with her pet bug easily, and it fits in fairly well with her other oddities.

  • Intense emotions can make her lose her psychic grip on her "assistant", usually causing them to collapse. While she can regain her control within a few seconds, she gets a cart if she needs to carry anything delicate.
  • Her office is directly attached to the Legitimacy's medbay. It used to be a utility closet. It has several potted plants that she sometimes hangs out in, a stasis pod for her "assistant", and many hidden drawers and compartments to hide the worst of the contraband she's got stashed in there from anyone who gets nosy.
  • Her medical specialties are severe injury, cybernetics, poisons, and psionics-related issues. If you think this seems like a suspiciously good set of skills for a criminal then you would be correct.
  • Has a poisonous bite. It's moderately painful and includes toxins that will affect the minds of most sapient organisms, severely weakening their psychic defenses while being relatively unlikely to kill them outright.
  • The eyes of her actual body are very nearsighted, and can't see more than a few meters.
  • Keeps a stash of candy to give to her patients.

[Bio in progress]