
picking at a web of red string

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A programmer working in a high-up position at a certain software company. As time went on, she started to notice some worrying details of her job and the software it sells, and began to investigate.

Has not yet made her full findings public, as she doubts they would be convncing in their current state

Has not quit her position, as she believes she can do more good.

Has attempted to solve the problems she has noticed through other methods.

  • Most human programmers in similar positions have not had real work in more than a year
  • Has constructed a large faraday cage in her home, in the walls of an office she uses when she really wants to avoid external monitoring. The walls of said office are covered in papers and information, the floor is covered in energy drink cans.
  • Refuses to consume anything from any automated food and drink machines, especially those at work.
  • Has a modest collection of spider-themed items
  • Ex-transhumanist
  • Has been interacting less and less with other people.