
Every setting that I regularly work with.

The Starship Legitimacy

Technically the name of one specific ship but I don't have a better name for it lmao

It's an indeterminate time far into the future. Space travel is easy, there are a bajillion sapient species, and AI has advanced to a level comparable with these species. Politics are... complicated, because it takes a while to get across the populated universe and there are a lot of conflicting viewpoints. Also magic's real and that helped a lot with the space travel.

The main focus story-wise is on the eponymous Starship Legitimacy and its crew of moderately-infamous criminals.

Act Natural, Heroes!

A magical ritual is conducted to gather heroes from across the land to accomplish a task of incredible importance. Unfortunately, this ritual was sabotaged, gathering a crew who all have something terribly wrong with them. Some of the worst of the best of the best. Now the new team have to work together and do their best to hide their issues.

The setting itself is fantasy (of course). Magic is used very frequently in daily life, and it being an option has led to a different path of technological advancement than that of our world.

AI setting with no proper name

The AI story I can't come up with a good name for has multiple different possible settings. One is similar to ours save for a few specific technological advancements like people inadvertently creating true Artificial Intelligence. Another is a superhero setting that I haven't fleshed out that much because I mostly don't do that continuity anymore.

As I just implied, the version of the setting I use most often is the near-future one without superhero shenanigans, but a lot of the lore for the characters in this category fits both versions.

The actual heroes and villains setting

The place I stick my superhero and supervillain characters. There are very few of them actually but I'm trying to list everything here


Intentionally anachronism-heavy fantasy setting. Focus is mainly on the creations of one particular mage: sapient creatures made through alchemy, taking the shape of potions.

Merfolk and Mad Science

A superhero-adjacent setting populated entirely or primarily by merfolk. Cartoony consequence-free action stuff, though some seem to remember a time when things were different.

Multidimensional/Settingless characters

This is my catch-all for characters without a defined setting or who travel between dimensions and don't have a recognizable 'main' setting. It's not really a setting itself. I might need to split these if I actually develop the eldritch monster stuff more.