Character Directory/Dramatis Personae
ALL my characters. eventually. currently separated by universe or absence thereof. Character names that are not links do not yet have a profile.
Multidimensional/No setting
- My Sona :D
- Shard, an interdimensional field researcher.
- Ettenoiram, a demon with a passion for theater and puppetry.
- "Doctor" Peri Sidecke, a dubious parasitologist who has turned itself into a pile of worms.
AI Thingy
- Vexter, a perfectly ordinary digital assistant.
- Break, a computer virus with a vendetta.
- Portia, a conspiracy theorist determined to save the world.
- Atlas, a programmer with a guilty conscience.
The Starship Legitimacy
- Lupen, the ghostly and eccentric captain.
- Redacted, a shapeshifter, and lupen's right hand-- or perhaps several hands.
- Doc, the shady ship's doctor.
- Tyramine, the kind-hearted engineer.
- Vox, the jackass of all trades and resident conspiracy theorist.